[3830] GB3RS HQ in IARU 1999

p.brice-stevens@zeiss.co.uk p.brice-stevens@zeiss.co.uk
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 16:12:30 +0000

Hello all,

Sorry its a bit late...

GB3RS Scores for IARU 1999

QSO's  2238
QSO-Pts 7532
PTS/Q  3.37

POINTS----------> 1,393,420 
Usual disclaimer applies about checking the logs and taking out the o's and 
putting in the 0's etc...etc...

This effort had a more than a touch of the last minutes about it as, although 
we had talked about  an entry in this contest for some time, we had quite a job 
securing somewhere to do it from !

In the end we did the event from RSGB Headquarters, which was fine, however, 
facilities such as stacks on 20m and 4 Squares for 40m and 80m, are notable 
only by their absence.

Equipment as follows: -

SSB - TS950SX with Henry Amp 
CW  - ICOM 781barefoot

Antennas are Cushcraft 3 ele tribander, R5, and low'ish dipoles for 40m and 80m
Your operators were Steve G4JVG (SSB) and Paul G0WAT (CW and a bit of SSB)

On the whole it played pretty well, but we both found getting runs going quite 
difficult and things at times proved a bit patchy.
Both of us a great time and we thank everyone for the Q's, we hope to see you 
next year with a new, improved version of GB3RS that will make a bigger dent in 
the scoring than our effort this year did.

Paul G0WAT
Steve G4JVG
GB3RS in IARU'99

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