[3830] N4BP Field Day 1B

Bob Patten n4bp at bc.seflin.org
Thu Jul 1 04:22:41 EDT 1999

                                 ARRL FIELD DAY
     Call used: N4BP                                          Location: SFL
     Category: Multi Operator             Mode: ALL               Power: 5W
     Callsign of Operator: N4BP & K4PG
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers: N4BP & K4PG
     Exchanged Information: N4BP 1B SFL 
     Hours of Operation: 23:57
               CW       CW      SSB      SSB      FSK      FSK
     band    QSOs      pts     QSOs      pts     QSOs      pts
     160        0        0        0        0        0        0
      80        0        0        0        0        0        0
      40      162     1620        0        0        0        0
      20      295     2950        0        0        0        0
      15      295     2950       25      125        0        0
    RS13        1       10        0        0        0        0
      10        0        0       21      105        0        0
      50        0        0        0        0        0        0
     144        0        0        0        0        0        0
     TOTAL    753     7530       46      230        0        0    SCORE: 7,760
                                                           Bonus Points:   800
                                                            Final SCORE: 8,560
     Club or Team Name: Guano Reef Bashful Perverts
 Comments: The entire weekend went pretty much as planned, which was good
 and bad.  The station went together easily, there were no equipment break
 downs, the weather held, the air mattress held, the bugs were tolerable.
 But, where last year we ended in a tie for first place for all single-
 transmitter stations, this year the best we can hope for is second place.
 Congrats to the Tampa Amateur Radio Club organized by W4ZW for a terrific
 showing from W4AC!  Last time I give my secrets away.  :-)

 We began setup at about 1600Z, therefore limiting our op time to 24 hours.
 First, the trusty old "ugly vertical" went up with my usual dive into the
 Gulf to secure the offshore nylon guy to an underwater rock.  This year, we
 put up a DK9SQ 33 foot fiberglass mast and used it to support a 40 Meter
 dipole.  This netted us MANY more Q's on 40M than last year with only the
 vertical.  We used my TS-130V for all but one QSO.  The new IC-706MKII in
 a mobile setup with Hustler and multiple resonators netted us one RS13
 satellite QSO during the last five minutes of its last available pass!
 The Kenwood and 486 notebook computer running the NA logging software were
 powered by a 110 A/H deep cycle marine battery which was previously charged
 from a two amp solar panel.  The battery went the full 24 hours and still
 seemed to have plenty of juice left.

 Kevin kicked it off on 15 CW while I put up the 40M dipole.  Throughout the
 event, we both felt that we were doing considerably better than last year.
 I'd like to think that re-doing the radials for the vertical and adding the
 40M dipole made the difference, but more likely the improved conditions were
 entirely responsible for our 150 QSO improvement over last year.

 We had a K10 PIC keyer and NorCal paddle set up for the public and several
 visitors got a kick out of sending their own CW.  An Italian couple stopped
 by and understood "Morse" and "SOS", but otherwise we had a difficult time
 communicating.  Speaking of visitors, a couple of strange coincidences took
 us by (pleasant) surprise.  Jim Anderson, co-worker of Grant, N4GM happened
 to be camping at the same KOA.  I had tried to coax Grant into joining us
 earlier in the week.  So, we sat Jim down at the operating position on Sunday
 afternoon to fill in for Grant.  Also, two of my good friend, WA4YLD's grand-
 sons stopped by and started asking if we knew this ham and that ham, whom of
 course we did.  The two boys had started studying for ham tickets, but got
 sidetracked by other studies before they were able to get licenses.

 I made one error in operating that could well have made the difference between
 a first and second place showing.  I found that coiled cord thingee with the
 cooling fins on the front and started talking at it.  People started talking
 back to me and I ended up logging about 50 QSO's.  After my second phone
 session during the last hour, Kevin got back on CW and pushed the NA rate meter
 to over 100/hour!  Next time I'll leave the mic at home!

 All in all, a quite successful outing.  We had some light rain and almost
 constant overcast - a blessing since it kept us from roasting.  Mosquitos were
 occassional visitors, but a minor annoyance.  We completed breakdown of the
 station within 30 minutes after our 24 hour period ended and we hit the road.
 We made our usual "victory celebration" stop at the Dairy Queen on Key Largo
 and then headed for our respective homes.

				   ,'' '',
     Bob Patten, N4BP              ( 0 0 )               Plantation, FL 

                         E-Mail: n4bp at bc.seflin.org
              Web Page: http://wg104a.wh.uni-stuttgart.de/~n4bp
                     Brass Pounder BBS: (954) 472-7715       

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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