[3830] Canada Day Contest - CF2ZP - SOABHP

Dave Goodwin VE2ZP/VE9CB VE2ZP at newforce.ca
Mon Jul 5 09:57:47 EDT 1999

                             RAC CANADA DAY CONTEST

     Here is my claimed score from the 1999 RAC Canada Day Contest

     Call used: CF2ZP                               Location: Quebec

     Category: Single Op All Band High Power

     Callsign of Operator: VE2ZP

     Exchanged Information: CF2ZP RST QC

     band   CW QSOs    CW pts   CW muls     SSB QSOs   SSB pts  SSB muls
     160         12       112         8           14       150         8
      80         18       184        11           71       682        11
      40         64       414        11          131      1228        11
      20        153       786        12          234      1906        13
      15         48       364        11           44       408        11
      10          5        42         3            5        60         3
       6          5        60         2           12       106         2
       2          2        30         2            4        50         2
     TOTAL      307      1992        60          515      4590        61

     822 QSOs
     6582 QSO points
     121 multipliers
     Claimed Score: 796,422 points


     Conditions were much better on the low bands, but not quite so good on
     the high bands as they were last year. Ten metres was a particular
     disappointment.  I've been spoiled by Jay VY1JA - he has been so active
     that I had begun to take it for granted that Yukon multipliers would be
     easy, but not this year!  Thanks to VY0O for being so active and so
     agreeable about QSYing for skeds.  They were my most frustrating
     "gotaway."  I and a few other Ottawa-area stations heard them very well
     on 6m, but only by meteor scatter.  If they had been working 6m CW we
     would have made it.  I concede victory to Bob VE3KZ.  I couldn't have
     lost to a nicer guy.

          TS-850 HF xcvr + SB-200 amp = 500-600w output
          FT-620B 6m xcvr = 20w output
          FT-221R 2m xcvr + Alinco amplifier/rx pre-amp = 80w out

          160m - 85ft tower shunt-fed
          80m - Lazy-vee
          40m - vertical dipole
          20-15-10m - KLM KT34xa up 85ft
          6m - 3el yagi up 25ft
          2m - 15el yagi up 90ft

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