[3830] Automatic reply..

Dave Vore - Edu Liaison Leeca VORE at LEECA2.LEECA.OHIO.GOV
Wed Jul 7 08:29:26 EDT 1999

    Automated Responder Message:

    reasons for absence....

    I'm out of the office on Tuesday and Wednesday July 6th and 7th.

    If you need immediate assistance, please contact other LEECA personnel.
    If you are uncertain whom to contact, please contact Julia Fitzgerald at 
    <fitz at leeca.esu.k12.oh.us>.
    Dave Vore    

David R. Vore   Edu Liaison(LEECA)  Lake Erie Educational Computer Association
Voice: (440) 324-5777 x172               
Fax:   (440) 324-7355                    
Internet: vore at leeca.ohio.gov

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