Thomas Thomas
Mon Jul 12 00:37:04 EDT 1999

             IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP -- 1999

      Call: OZ1AA                    Country: Denmark
      Mode: CW                      Category: Single Operator/All Band/CW Only/Low Power


      160       27       57   2.1      3    12
       80      113      319   2.8      7    17
       40      155      529   3.4     12    16
       20      272     1054   3.9     31    20
       15      324     1348   4.1     30    18
       10       46      138   3.0     12    10


     Totals    937     3445   3.7     95    93   =   647.660

All reports sent were 599 18, unless otherwise noted.

Operation time: About 23 hours.

Equipment Description:
Yeasu FT-1000MP, 100 W (missed an amp. very much)
10,15,20: Fritzel FB-33 tribander @ 23 m.
40: 2 elm. yagi @ 22 m.
80/160: Sloopers

Club Affiliation: Danish DX Group

My first IARU Contest, and my best contest ever (started in contesting last summer).
My "big" dream was 1000 QSO's (which I have never tried to make in a contest), and about
500.000 points. I wish that I had called a bit more CQ in the start of the contest, but next
time I will really try hard to exceed the "1000 QSO's wall" which is quite big for a beginner!
I think, that the conditions were good, and 15/20 was open all night to NA, but I have not much
to compere with, as it was my first IARU Contest.

That's it for now. Thanks for all the QSO's, and hope to meet you again in the IOTA Contest.

Vy 73 de Thomas, OZ1AA

Homepage: www.qsl.net/oz1aa
E-mail: oz1aa at qsl.net

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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