[3830] N9AG IARU SO-HP

Scott A. Lehman N9AG scottal at erinet.com
Sun Jul 11 22:57:21 EDT 1999

                      IARU HF Championship -- 1999

      Call: N9AG (@ N8NR)            Country:  United States
                                     Category: Single Operator, High Power


      160       21       39     1.86      6      2      Inv L.
       80       84      178     2.12     13      4      Vertical
       40      147      399     2.71     24     16      2 ele @ 130'
       20      548     2234     4.08     42     25      4/4 @ 100'/50'
       15      878     3934     4.48     40     27      5/4 @ 110/75'
       10       91      309     3.40     19     10      5 ele @ 120'
     Totals   1769     7093     4.01    144     84   (228 total Mults)

                 Score: 1,617,204 points

    Equipment Description:   JST-245/Drake L-4 & Clipperton L (160M)

    Comments:  I'm still not up to the potential that N8NR's
               station has.  A great contest with great conditions
               on all bands.  Low band activity was down this year.
               Fifteen meters was not open all night as in the
               WPX CW, but 20 was very good.  Surprised to work a
               lone JA on 10 meters with scatter over the Pacific.

                             HQ Multipliers Worked

   8J3JHQ       JARL     
   9V9HQ        SARTS     
   EM5HQ        UARL     
   ER7A         ARM     
   ES9A         ERAU     
   GB3RS        RSGB    
   H2Q          CARS    
   HG3DX        MRASZ   
   IY2ARI       ARI     
   LU2AH        R2     
   LX0RL        RL     
   LZ99HQ       BFRA     
   NU1AW        IARU     
   OH1W         SRAL
   OL9HQ        CRC
   OM9HQ        SARA     
   P40HQ        AARC        These guys were EVERYWHERE! How many ops in P4?
   PA6HQ        VERON     
   PY1AA        LABRE
   R1MV         SRR
   S50HQ        ZRS     
   SK3HQ        SSA     
   T90HQ        ARA     
   TM0HQ        REF     
   VK3ADW       AC     
   VP9ID        RSB     
   W1AW/9       ARRL     
   XE1LM        FMRE     
   YL4HQ        LRAL     
   YR0HQ        FRR
   ZT6Z         SARL

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