[3830] UP5P IARU SOABSSB Score

Roman Loparev un5pr at temirtau.kz
Mon Jul 12 13:00:04 EDT 1999

                      IARU HF Championship -- 1999

      Call: UP5P  (Op.UN5PR)         Country:  Kazakhstan
                                     Category: Single Operator All Bands
                                               SSB Only

      160        3        9     3.00      3      0
       80       58      216     3.72     11     11
       40      118      440     3.73     16     17
       20      272     1160     4.26     32     21
       15      888     4116     4.64     39     23
       10      168      742     4.42     23     12

     Totals   1507     6683     4.43    124     84

                 Score: 1,390,064 points

All reports sent were 59-30, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:tx/rx alinco dx-70
                      amplifier soviet military R-140   Power 500w
                      3el delta loops for 20 and 15m
                      inv vees on 40,80,160m
                      4el yagi 20/15/10m
                      computer P-333 mhz/64 mb ram/10 gb hdd
                      software ct 9.39

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Romeo Y. Loparev  UN5PR
               P.O.Box 73
               Temirtau,   472300
               Rep. of Kazakhstan

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