[3830] K1VUT: IARU, CW Only, Low Power, Single Op, Unassisted

David Clemons dave at egh.com
Mon Jul 12 17:18:31 EDT 1999

Band    Qsos    Points    Mults
160       8        12        5
 80      43        85       19
 40     183       501       39
 20     543      2325       50
 15     514      2192       48
 10      38       128       13
Total  1329      5243      174       912,282

Sorry, I don't have the zones and hq station
totals separated.

This was the first time I operated low power
in this contest.  My only disappointment was
10 meters, but it always seems to be a 
disappointment in early July.

73, Dave Clemons K1VUT

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