Kurt Andress K7NV at contesting.com
Mon Jul 12 19:03:28 EDT 1999

IARU HF Championship -- 1999

      Call: K7NV                     Country:  United States
      State: Nevada                 Category: Single Op High Power CW


      160        0        0     0.00      0      0
       80       42      100     2.38     10      3
       40      260      916     3.52     18      6
       20      644     2674     4.15     31     20
       15      285     1211     4.25     26     13
       10       18       66     3.67      8      1

     Totals   1249     4967     3.98     93     43

                 Score: 675,512 points

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:

Station #1 - TS930, Alpha 78
Station #2 - TS930  Should arrive tomorrow from the "Fixit dude" while
it's still fresh in my mind how much I missed it!

160 M - Inverted V @ 45'
80 M - Inverted V @ 42'
40 M - Ground mounted Vertical, Inverted V @ 42'
20 M - TH7 @ 45', Inverted V @ 43'
15 M - TH7, Inverted V @ 43'
10 M - TH7

It's been 8 years since I op'd this contest. It's still as much fun as I

Spent all July 4th weekend and evenings last week rebuilding entire
station. Last antenna was finished at 10PM Friday nite.

All that stuff worked fine, except for one thing, power went off in the
shack for about 45 min Sat afternoon. Finally found the culprit, RF
filter in the ac line gave up the ghost.

Not enough sleep before contest is no good!
98 Degrees in shack is also no good!
Non-existent strategy (couldn't remember one from last time) is no good!

I can now see that I really blew the op strategy, won't take very much
to put a few more points in the log next year.

At least this field day station is starting to be fun to operate.

Tnx fer a good time! See Ya'all next year!

73, Kurt

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