[3830] N4GN IARU M/S

Tim Totten, N4GN n4gn at n4gn.com
Mon Jul 12 23:05:29 EDT 1999

This was the first HF contest effort from the new station.  Finally got
the first tower up this summer, so decided to have some friends over and
break it in properly.  What a blast!


Tim Totten, n4gn at n4gn.com


                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates:  10-11 July, 1999

    Callsign Used:  N4GN
        Operators:  N4GN (+K4WW, N4OKX)

         Category:  Multi-Single

 Default Exchange:  599 08

             Name:  Tim Totten
          Address:  8309 Dawson Hill Road
   City/State/Zip:  Louisville KY 40299-5317
          Country:  U.S.A.

        Team/Club:  Kentucky Contest Group

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160CW       19          19         29       2         5
   80CW       27          27         49       3         5
   80SSB       5           5          7       0         0
   40CW      138         136        374      17        19
   40SSB       8           8         24       0         2
   20CW      301         300       1296      10        14
   20SSB     290         287       1181      17        28
   15CW      207         206        874       9         9
   15SSB     341         338       1352      14        27
   10CW       10          10         40       2         3
   10SSB      27          27        121       0         6

 Totals     1373        1363       5347      74       118

    Final Score = 1,026,624

 Equipment:  TS-690S, tired old SB220, 160 inverted L, 80 inverted V, C4XL

 Software:  TR Log (simply amazing!)
 Soapbox:  This contest was the perfect opportunity to discover the
 capabilities of the new antennas.  Conditions were amazing on 15 and 20!

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
 established for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and
 true to the best of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of
 the Awards Committee.

 Date:  12 JUL 99    Signed:  Timothy B. Totten    Call:  N4GN

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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