[3830] W4MR - IARU M/S

AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Mon Jul 12 21:13:43 EDT 1999

Multi-single (should be called the 10 minute limited class)

1629 x 173 = 1,155,640 points

We bid welcome to left coaster KI7WX, who recently moved here to God's 
country. Looks like KO7X and W6EEN taught him well. This was his first east 
coast contest. I'll have to ask him how it compared later. We didn't get to 
talk too much during the contest, as we operated in tag team mode most of the 

Conditions were different to say the least. We were prepared for a bunch o' 
static, but it never got too bad here. A rain storm took the high antennas 
out due to precip. static, but the low antennas remained largely unaffected. 
I've always marveled at what a difference height makes on rain static. 10m 
sucked totally, 15 was the money band. 20 was good when you least expected 
it. We had a great 0700-0800z European opening. I haven't checked the hourly 
rate, but the last 100 rate meter stayed over 210 most of the hour (this was 
on CW). The rest of the time, it was nothing special. The low bands were 
about normal for this contest. CW was definitely the place to be - The rates 
on phone never approached the CW rates.

The good news is that nothing broke. The bad news is the 10 minute rule on 
band AND mode is broken. You just start thinking in 10 minute blocks and wish 
you could go after the (very few) packet spots that always seem to be where 
you're not. I guess the absence of SOAssisted, and few M/S was to blame for 
the hours that went by with ZERO spots here. I had to check several times to 
make sure we were connected and that my receiver was working.

As always, the IARU has the best format going IMHO. Everybody counts for 
points, it's not a 36 or 48 hour marathon, and you don't have to leave home 
to be competitive. I wish we could figure a good way to make the M/S class 
less restrictive on band/mode changes.

Have a good summer - I'm going back to the party until fall...

Will AA4NC / W4MR

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