[3830] K2XR 99 IARU SO CW Only (HP)

K2XR desertwoman at nac.net
Mon Jul 12 23:44:44 EDT 1999

                    IARU HF Championship -- 1999

      Call: K2XR             Country:  United States
                                          State:  New Jersey
                                    Category:  Single Operator/CW only


      160        9       13     1.44      3      3
       80       41       87     2.12     10      6
       40      130      412     3.17     16     13
       20      571     2467     4.32     36     24
       15      566     2528     4.47     30     22
       10       36      112     3.11     12      9
     Totals   1353     5619     4.15    107     77

                 Score: 1,033,896 points

Equipment Description:

FT-1000MP + Alpha 374

160   Gap Vertical
 80   Gap Vertical
 40   40-2CD @ 70'
 20    4 ele @ 75'
 15    5 ele @ 72'
 10    5 ele @ 80'

 A4 @ 32' fixed Eu.

Club Affiliation: None

CT said 21.9 hours on. Had a blast, but lost time when it was time 
to help get the 20 meter beam mounted properly and permanently. 
Just a shakedown run for the station which I have been setting up 
for M/S operation in the winter season. Now to work on the 80/160 
antennas !

   Dave K2XR

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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