n6tr at teleport.com n6tr at teleport.com
Tue Jul 13 23:53:15 EDT 1999

    Callsign Used : W7AT
         Operator : N6TR

         Category : Single Operator - CW Only - High Power

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160CW       11          11         23       3         3
   80CW       90          90        296       3        19
   40CW      276         274       1008      13        25
   20CW      752         748       3256      21        40
   15CW      806         799       3587      22        32
   10CW      105         105        441       3        13

 Totals     2040        2027       8611      65       132

    Final Score = 1696367 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 This was a very exciting contest.  Many thanks to W7EW for the use of
 his FB station.  I always knew someday we would hit good conditions for
 this contest and it finally happened.  15 was awesome early on.  20
 got good, but started having problems with echoes.  One JA was 
 convinced my call was W7RN and even sending slow didn't help.

 Antennas: 160 - Dipole
            80 - 3 element rotary
            40 - 3 element rotary
            20 - 5 over 5
            15 - 6 over 6
            10 - 6 over 6  
            + Log Periodic used for 2nd radio or direction on 20/15/10.

 Congrats to the usual suspects (K5ZD, W4AN, N2IC, K5GN) and a new 
 suspect - N6RT at W6EEN who has us old farts worried.  Also, great 
 SSB score from Gary, VA7RR.

  HOUR  160CW    80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    10CW    TOTAL   ACCUM  2R
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----  ---
   12       0      11      67       0       0       0      78      78    9
   13       0       0       3      73      51       0     127     205    0
   14       0       0       0       0     155       0     155     360    0
   15       0       0       0       0     135       0     135     495    0
   16       0       0       0       0     124       0     124     619    0
   17       0       0       0       0      71      11      82     701    0
   18       0       0       0      21      43       2      66     767    0
   19       0       0       0      21      66       0      87     854   21
   20       0       0       0      10      50      14      74     928   10
   21       0       0       0      18      54       2      74    1002    1
   22       0       0       0      13      11      41      65    1067   11
   23       0       0       0      13       9      31      53    1120   18

    0       0       0       0      40      16       4      60    1180   11
    1       0       0       0      85       0       0      85    1265    0
    2       0       0       6      55      10       0      71    1336   11
    3       0       0      47       0       0       0      47    1383    0
    4       0       0      22      66       0       0      88    1471    0
    5       0       0       0     120       0       0     120    1591    0
    6       0       0       0     119       0       0     119    1710    0
    7       5      32       0      45       3       0      85    1795    0
    8       0       3      32      17       1       0      53    1848    0
    9       1       7      25      28       0       0      61    1909    1
   10       5      19      38       1       0       0      63    1972    3
   11       0      18      34       3       0       0      55    2027    0

  TOTAL    11      90     274     748     799     105    2027           96

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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