Chris Hurlbut kl7fh at customcpu.com
Sat Jul 17 23:40:56 EDT 1999

Call:  WL7KY
Name:  Slick
State:  AK

80:    0         0
40:    14       4
20:    132     42
15:    103     38
10:     1         1

Total: 250 X 85=  21,250 points

TH7DXX @ 50 feet
3 elem full size wire yagi on 40m
Kenwood TS-570DG 
And the trusty old Heathkit Warrior amp, running 130-140 watts

Well... it was different.  This was my first serious RTTY contest, and I
ended up not being so serious.  The rules say 10 hours max on time, so I
was planning on exactly 10 hours.  Well, I had to take 3 hours off, but I
don't think it really mattered.  I would have just been cqing longer! 
WriteLog performed flawlessly.  I love that program.  The only thing I
don't like about it, is the summary sheet... too hard to read.  (hint hint)
Not a whole lot of activity, I was hoping for more.  Domestic contests are
hard enough from AK, but when you are constantly scraping for another qso,
it gets kind of boring.  Used the amp as low as it would go, around 130-140
watts or so.  Really helped the rig I think, not running it real hard.  
I have a few things I would like to mention:
1.  Many people sent "WL7KY UR CLIFF IL CLIFF IL"   no, I'm not, I'm Chris
(Slick) in AK... just seemed weird to me that people would do that on RTTY 

2.  Several times I would get "WL7KY WL7KY DE W1XXX W1XXX DE PAUL IN RI
(no offense W1 land)
Even before I acknowledged the station.  Another thing I found that was
strange.  Several people did it... don't know who taught that!  Maybe I am
too cranky right now....

Nice to see KG4AU on, always a good sig, but couldn't hear me on 40m.  At
least I got several "AGN AGN AGN PSE???? KKK" out of him. :)

As always, KH7R is a mult on all bands, except 80, I never went to 80m.  

Only missed a couple states, something like 8, and worked 15 countries.  A
lot of DX in this one.

RTTY is a nice change... but CW still rules.
CU in the next one
-Chris (Slick) WL7KY    wl7ky at qsl.net

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