[3830] N6EE NAQP RTTY 99 SO

Ron Ron
Sun Jul 18 21:37:42 EDT 1999

1999 North American QSO Party RTTY

STATE      California  (San Joaquin Valley section)
CLASS      Single Operator
POWER      100 watts

  Valid QSOs multipliers
80      2        2
40      31       20
20      101      39
15      76       32
10      8        5
TOTAL   218      98

218 QSOs x 98 Multipliers = 21,364     Claimed Score

TIME      10 hours  (ON 1837    OFF 0435)

TEAM      none

CLUB      Northern California Contest Club

          Cushcraft A3S at 40 ft  +  Inverted V for 40/80 at 25 ft
          WriteLog V 9.23  with Soundblaster sound card demodulator

COMMENTS  My first try at NAQP RTTY.  Fun contest - propagation pretty good
          but participation only fair.
          Skill level, station capability, and courtesy of those who did
          participate was outstanding.

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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