[3830] H2Q IARU HF 1999 Score (HQ Station)

Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA-9A3A 9a3a at spidernet.com.cy
Mon Jul 19 22:19:06 EDT 1999

Here are the results of the first attempt to put CARS on the air.
Although there was a  lack of operators, the result is promissing. Low
bands were operated by high band ops  for a couple of hours only, that
explains low numbers on 80/160.
QSL via CARS buro.

                      IARU HF Championship -- 1999

      Call: H2Q                      Country:  Cyprus
                                     Category: HQ


      160       63      241     3.83      7     14
       80      226      954     4.22     12     19
       40      799     3709     4.64     30     23
       20     3478    16538     4.76     47     35
       15     3953    18317     4.63     51     29
       10     1585     7289     4.60     39     28

     Totals  10104    47048     4.66    186    148

                 Score: 15,714,032 points

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: 5B4WN, 5B4XF, 5B4MF, 5B4LP, 5B4AFM, 5B8AH,

Club Affiliation: Nicosia Contest Group

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Cyprus Amateur Radio Society  H2Q
               PO BOX 51267
               Limassol,   CYPRUS

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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