Larry Lindblom W0ETC at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jul 19 21:01:21 EDT 1999

W0ETC Iowa   Name: Didler  Team: TCG RATS #1

Almost doubled my 1998 score, so no matter what the contest was a
personal victory of sorts for me.  Why aren't there 2 of these per year,
like the other NAQP contests?  

Band	Qs	Mults
80	50	29
40	65	32
20	105	40
15	58	21
10	9	4
TOTALS	287	126

SCORE: 36,162

My best hour for mults and Q's was the 0300 Hours spent on 40 & 80
Meters. 88.5% of my Qs were NA with 12.5% DX.   

Writelog 9.23 performed flawlessly and dug signals out of the noise and
QRM that seemed barely audible.

Larry Lindblom

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