[3830] N7GP CQ 160 SSB (Long)

Milt Jensen, N5IA miltj at aepnet.com
Wed Mar 3 02:14:33 EST 1999

     Call used: N7GP                      Location: AZ, USA       CQ Zone:  3
     Category: Single Op Single Band      Mode: PHONE             Power: 1500
     Callsign of Operator: N5IA           Exchanged Information:  N7GP  RS

     Hours of Operation: 31:00            Average QSOs per hour:  29
     Band   QSOs     Points   States & Provinces   DX         Final Score
     160     647     1510   X         53    +      14     =     101,170  

     DX worked:  7-XE, KP4, 4-KH6, V4, ZF, VK, 2-KL7, P4, G, GJ, EA, EA8,
     Equipment: Yaesu FT-1000 MP, Alpha 91b, (the XZ1N station) 1/4
wavelength wire                        vertical with base at 70' AGL, full
size dipole at 250' &  8, 2 wavelength                 Beverages.
Operating from the Lazy B Ranch in the Pinaleno Mountains
                of southeastern Arizona, 60 miles north of the Mexico
border and 7 miles                   west of the New Mexico state line.

     Highlights: Being called by GJ2D.  Making TX antenna comparisons.

     Low lights: Having the earphones jumping around on the operating table
1.5 hours                      before sunset the 2nd night due to static
As many have expressed already, the QRN was extremely heavy both nights.  I
thank all the stations that stuck with me for 6 to 10 overs so that I could
piece together their callsign and get a "roger, QSL".  I also apologize to
the many stations who I was unable to copy, or that I did not hear at all
and continued CQing in your face.

This was an enjoyable outing with the primary intention of comparing the
performance of a high dipole to a 1/4 wavelength ground plane.  The results
were nothing short of astonishing.

The primary support for both antennas was a 250 foot high steel tower.  The
dipole was constructed of # 12 solid copperweld and was mounted with the
feedpoint at the top of the tower.  The ends were supported by small rope
anchored 1,000 feet away from the tower.  The axis of the dipole was
basically east/west.

The vertical was constructed of wire with the vertical 1/4 wavelength
element composed of a 6 wire, 4 inch diameter circular cage of # 14
stranded copperweld.  The base insulator was made of 1/2 inch teflon plate.
 There were 14, 120 foot long radials made of # 12 stranded copper.

The vertical was suspended from a 3/16 inch steel catenary wire and spaced
1/4 wavelength distant from the tower on the northeast side.  The catenary
was anchored approximately 1,000 feet distant from the tower with
approximately 800 lbs of tension.  The base of the vertical was 70 feet
above ground and the radials sloped down and outward at nearly a 45 degree
angle.  The radials were tied off to rocks at ground level.

In advance let me say that the dipole was no slouch of an antenna.  It was
a full size dipole mounted 1/2 wavelength above dry, rocky, high desert
terrain. During the CQ 160 CW test in January this antenna in this position
worked 26 DX countries.  The following is a copy of the notes that I made
during the contest when I asked stations to give me a comparison report of
the signals received at their location as I did an A/B transmit test. I
would switch between each antenna making a 2-3 second transmission on each,
for a total of 3-4 times back and forth.  A previously stated, the results
were amazing.

To put things in proper perspective time wise, sunset was at 0100 Z and
sunrise was at 1400 Z.  I tried to use stronger stations at different
distances, azimuths, and times of day with emphasis on early evening and
late morning when the band was opening and closing.  If anyone wants to
compute the distances, I am located in DM52.  

A real note is that the two stations that reported no difference (Sonora,
Mexico and Tucson, AZ) and the one station who reported the dipole better
(40 miles north of Tucson, AZ) are all southwest of my location.  As noted
above, the ground plane was suspended 1/4 wavelength from the tower on the
northeast side of the tower in the hope that the tower would act as a
reflector and create a cardiod pattern with a null to the south west.
These reports indicate that may have been the case.  However, I was called
by and worked VK3IO.  I was being called by VK4WE (told to me by another
station only 200 miles from me whom I let work the VK4) but I could not
hear a whisper from him.  The reason for mentioning this is that VK is the
same Azimuth from my location as Tucson and Sonora, Mexico, the direction
the planned null in the verticals radiation pattern. 

Here are the reports with the exact words of the reporting station.  Thanks
to all these stations for taking the time to run the test with me and give
me a report.


4   22:37z N0KOV  Kansas       Barely copy on the Dipole.  Booming in on
5   23:00z AA7US  central AZ   Vertical by 1.5 S units.
6   23:05z N0AH   Wyoming      Couldn't hear me on the Dipole.
8   23:24z NF7E   N central AZ Almost couldn't hear me on the Dipole.
Flagstaff, AZ.
12  23:45z N7DF   central NM   Vertical 5 over 9.  Dipole just under 9.
17  23:59z XE2SOZ NW Mexico    No difference in Sonora, Mexico.
18  00:00z WI7J   SW Utah      Vertical better near St. George, UT.
20  00:02z K6SE   So Calif     Vertical 1 S unit better.
26  00:15z KJ6EO  California   Vertical 3 DB Stronger.
28  00:17z KE6GX  West AZ      15 DB better on the Vertical in Lake Havasu
29  00:18z K6HNZ  California   Vertical much better in Northern California.
31  00:22z K2UOP  West Virg    Could not hear me on the dipole.
54  00:59z N7JW   SW Utah      S9 on vertical.  S6 on Dipole.  Southern Utah.
59  01:08z W3TS   Pennsylvania Cannot copy on the dipole.
63  01:17z KD9SV  Indiana      Vertical is 5 S units better.
176 03:57z N7CK   S central AZ 5 db better on the dipole.
245 06:24z WA6CDR Los Angeles  15 db down on the dipole vs vertical.
250 06:35z KH6CC  Hawaii       Vertical 1 S unit better.
417 14:15z N0AH   Wyoming      The vertical 6 S units better in Wyoming.

                Start the 2nd night

419 01:02z K0UO   Kansas       S7 on dipole and 10 over 9 on vertical.
424 01:32z N6LU   California   Vertical +15 and dipole +5 over S 9.
460 03:05z W7HSG  Tucson, AZ   Absolutely no difference between the
vertical and dipole.
519 05:11z AL7DJ  Alaska       Two S units better on the vertical.  W7MT in
Oregon same.
597 09:55z WW1WW  Massachusetts    Vertical has a slight edge.
607 10:22z KH6E   Hawaii       Vertical is 2 S units better.
621 11:40z N0MLJ  Minnesota    3-4 dB stronger on vertical & W9CH in
Illinois says
                               vertical also 1 S unit stronger in IL.
624 11:43z WA2PCS Pennsylvania Vertical better by 1 S unit.
625 11:48z K8EIG  Ohio         Vertical 10 dB better.
626 11:56z K3KO   Nor Carolina 10 dB better in NC, now in daylight there.
630 12:02z N4JF   Alabama      10 db better on the vertical.
632 12:04z K5OE   Texas        Vertical slightly better.
633 12:05z W3UHP  Pennsylvania 10 dB better on the vertical.
637 12:12z W8RCM  Michigan     Vertical is 2 S units better.  Now in daylight.
646 12:35z KG8HD  Michigan     Vertical better copy.  Now in daylight.
647 12:36z WA0MHB Minnesota    Vertical 3 S units better.
654 13:06z KB5ITH Oklahoma     Vertical 20 over & dipole is 10 over 9.

I am also amazed when reading some of the other 3830 reports regarding time
operated and QSOs per hour.  I can assure you that it is not possible to
achieve those Q counts and Q/HR rates from the southwest USA, even with a
high performance station.  The following is a copy of my Q/HR report.
There is NO off time during each night operating period.  This was a full
bore, all out effort to achieve the highest score possible.

            NIGHT ONE                               NIGHT TWO
        UTC   rate  total                       UTC   rate  total

        22Z     4     4                         
        23Z    12    16                         
        00Z    38    54                         00Z     1    415
        01Z    46   100                         01Z     8    423
        02Z    40   140                         02Z    28    451
        03Z    36   176                         03Z    21    472
        04Z    29   205                         04Z    32    504
        05Z    31   236                         05Z    26    530
        06Z    30   266                         06Z    30    560
        07Z    25   291                         07Z    14    574
        08Z    26   317                         08Z     5    579
        09Z    12   329                         09Z     7    586
        10Z    17   346                         10Z    12    598
        11Z    32   378                         11Z    15    612
        12Z    23   401                         12Z    23    636
        13Z     8   409                         13Z     6    642
                                                14Z     5    647

It may also be of interest to know where we get our Q count from out here
in the southwest. The California guys and gals are the # 1 providers, a
full 17% with 109 Qs.  Thanks.

Mult    QSOs          Mult     QSOs        Mult      QSOs        Mult
CT       5            AL        8          CA        109         CO        20
MA       10           FL        10         AZ        61          IA
ME       6            GA        6          ID        4           KS        9
NH       4            KY        10         MT        5           MN        18
RI       --           NC        9          NV        9           MO        11
VT       --           SC        2          OR        10          NE        4
NJ       11           TN        8          UT        19          ND        --
NY       14           VA        12         WA        17          SD        4
DE       --           AR        7          WY        7           NS        1
DC       --           LA        5          MI        17          QU        2
MD       6            MS        2          OH        22          ON        4
PA       18           NM        9          WV        5           MB        3
                      OK        9          IL        19          SK        2
                      TX        48         IN        8           AB        7
                                           WI        10          BC        4
                                                                 NF        1 
                                                                 LB, YT,
PEI, NWT = 0         

I hope this report is of some interest and contains helpful information for
the many Topband operators around the world.  Permission is given in
advance to Bill, W4ZV, to post any and all parts to the Topband reflector
if he so desires.

                                        73 de Milt, N5IA, operator at N7GP

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