[3830] N8TR CQ 160 SSB Multi-Single

Pete Michaelis - N8TR n8atr at en.com
Sun Mar 7 22:36:07 EST 1999

                     CQ 160 METER CONTEST -- 1999

      Call: N8TR                     Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single


     Totals   1008    2555      58      28    =   219,730

Operator List: N8TR, WB8K, NI8Z, KF8UN, WA8BIN, N8DMM

Equipment Description: Yaesu FT-1000,
                       Ameritron Al-1200
                       Shunt fed tower (Rohn #45  with 2 K34XA's at 100' &
                                        a 40-2CD at 107',and a side mounted
                                        at 40'.)
                       2 wire 500'  Beverage switched NE or SW.
                       2 wire 500'  Beverage switched NW or SE.
                       2 wire 580'  Beverage switched E  or  W.

For the second year in a row we had to shutdown for over 1/2 an hour
on Saturday night when thunderstorms moved past my QTH.  All the
electrical activity made the second night very noisy and cut down
activity a bit.  Many thanks to those that worked so hard in getting
their calls and reports through all the noise and QRM and into our
often inadequate ears.  My apologies to those we could not pick out.
My biggest thrill was working 20+ European stations in less than
20 minutes early Saturday morning.

73 Pete - N8TR

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