[3830] 1999 SSB ARRL DX Contest Summary #1

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at eskimo.com
Sun Mar 7 21:40:55 EST 1999

1999 SSB ARRL DX Contest Summary #1

I don't speak French but there is no 
mistaking this comment from FM5BH

Le pile up est permanent !

Thanks to WA7BNM Contest Page for 
Logging Submission info
Logs Due By: 

e-mail: dxssb at arrl.org

Mail: Internation DX Contest
      ARRL Contest Branch
      225 Main St
      Newington, CT 06111
>From the ARRL:

If you're a US or VE station, don't forget to include your ARRL
SECTION on your summary sheet.  The league needs this information
to group the logs together by section.  Put the section in the same
area of the summary sheet as your callsign, category, etc.

A couple of other things...  Make certain in the subject line of your
message it clearly shows your Callsign Contest and Mode.  Also, it make a
big difference if your files are named with your callsign, i.e. W1AW.log
W1AW.sum and the like.  If you name them DXCW.log or such,  we have to
rename every file which comes in to your callsign .log .sum and such.

Your files should be attachments to your email, not as the text.  This saves
us having to open a text editor, cutting and pasting and creating the files
before we store them or enter them. 

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 VO1MP            HP 2318      387  2,691,198    
 AA3B             HP 1352      443  1,796,808    
 NX9T             HP 1080      325  1,053,000    
 N4ZR             HP  792      282    670,032    
 WA4IMC           LP  664      270    537,840    
 KS4XG            HP  516      244    377,712    
 KI7Y             LP  577      181    313,311    
 N7VY             QRP 506      179    271,722    
 NA7ID            HP  695      126    262,710    K7ZO @ NK7U
 N1TM             QRP 391      219    256,887    
 N2RMZ            LP  445      190    253,650    
 NS7K             HP  218      140     91,560    
 K1WD             QRP 233      126     87,318    
 VE7QO            LP  200       94     56,400    

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 KI1G             HP 1934      432  2,502,576    
 N8PR             HP  616      282    521,136    
 K2SX             HP  601      255    459,765    
 N1CC             LP  500      256    384,000    

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 K0DU             HP 2310      394  2,735,148    K0DU,KOCL,N0ZA AND K0UK
 K0GQ             HP  747      267    598,347    K0OU,  KB0RTH

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
W/VE M/2
 K6RC             HP 3515      439  4,623,987    N6IG, K6RC W6UT, K6OM

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 NA5B (W5AO)      HP  941      107    259,047    
 N4PN             LP  636      104    198,432    
 W0MU             HP  388       85     98,940    
 AJ4Y             LP  308       85     78,540    
 KR4YL            LP   85       30      7,650    

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 VE6JY            HP  978      116    338,256        

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 N4DL             LP  561      106    177,762    

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 NA5B (W5AO)      HP  832       80    190,560    
 K4GE             HP  109       49     16,023   

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 8P2K (8P6SH)     HP 2503      243  1,824,687    
 PY2YU            LP 1835      189  1,040,445    
 CX9AU            LP  691      123    254,979    

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 FM5BH            HP 6066      297  5,404,806    FM5FJ FM5DS FM5DN FM5BH 

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 PA5ET            HP 1000       57    171,000    
 HK4QIM           HP  964       58    167,736    
 LY2BTA           HP  525       59     92,925    

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 LY2BTA           HP  220       44     29,040    

 Call             PwrQSOs    Mults      Score
 S50K             LP  620       42     78,120    
 OT9T @ ON4UN     HP  808       50      2,424    

Michael Dinkelman, N7WA
mwdink at eskimo.com
Kent, WA

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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