Ville.Lintervo at edu.teleste.fi Ville.Lintervo at edu.teleste.fi
Mon Mar 8 16:39:54 EST 1999

31 Q
93 Pts
1116 SCORE

Also some 200+ Q's on 40, 15 and 10. (The relay of the 20m stack is broken)

Equipment: IC-765, FT-102, Home made AMP, 5el at 85ft 10, 4el at 95ft 15,
5o5 at 75/145 ft 20 (not in use), 3el at 120ft 40, CAP-vertical (13m high)
and sloper 80.

Due to other commitments I wasn't able to attend the full contest so
rather than yelling in major QSO bands, I decided to concentrate in
following how others are doing.  As the current Finnish record on 75 m
( http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa/records.html ), 405 points, seemed to be
pretty well in line with the time investment I was going to put on the
hobby this weekend, I decided to bravely knock the door on the QRM and
try to survive at least a few moments on my semi-serious mission to
beat the record.


Being a good sleeper (alarm clock tried at 2300 z) I was up and alive
at 0400z (0600 local) while we still may get something through to
NA. I managed to work 12 stations on the first morning of which I will
grant two first prizes,

-KC1XX best ears (had already spend quite a while with 8 QSOs and turned
down by many)
-K9NS best signal  (actually the only good signal the first morning)

Saturday night was again spent resting a bit as major effor collecting
the missing points (280 so far) was still ahead. Managed to wake up at
0300z and got a bit better chance to collect the missing ones (target
was set to 1000 points).  ( early wake-up was to turn to my good
[mission successful] and bad [headache in the afternoon, when walking
in the sea ice with international group of distributors]).  Either the
propagation was better or QRM level stateside was lower as I didn't
find it difficult to get my calls through to succesfull ones having me
on their 75 m logs (16 on sunday morning).  Also the multiplier count
was getting better (10).

To show at least some commitment to the contest this time the last
effort was made right before my official bed-time (2200z) when VO1MP
got me down from 40 m's to try a QSO on 75m. We weren't succesfull as
the local traffic on the QSY frequency was just strong enough to beat
him. Later on however, after changing the report with VE1ZZ (the only
one who was attracted by my CQ call during the whole contest), VO1MP
was successfully added in my headcount.  Both of the gentlemen were
new multis for me so the margin to the old Finnish 75m record was
increasing. Last station worked on 75 was W3LPL (this was about 50th
time that I gave a call to catch them) now with one call. They moved
me back to 40m, as VO1MP and W3LPL were the ones who moved me
succesfully, the prize for the best mover is shared.

40, 15,10m

While not engaged with other commitmens I managed to spend some time
on other bands. 15 m was good for a while on saturday afternoon as I
was able to produce half an hour pile-up with rates getting very
high. A short pile-up S/P'ing later on saturday and sunday evening
(19z) resulted almost 200 stations. While most of the stations had
severe aurora distortion on their audio, expectations for 10m's were
not high. I managed to get myself to 17 logs on 10m where FL-stations
produced incredible signals. Only a few stations from other stated
were heard. N3RS who actually moved me to 10m's was never found
(sorry).  Along with district 4 stations K1AR was one of the loudest
heard (Well, KC1XX also, but they were already mentioned ;-) ). 40 m's
was not studied that much, mainly because I forgot that band. A few
stations were worked. Big guns near the band edge 7150-7179 were
disturbed during the moment I was on 40 by 59+60 jammer, while ones
higher on the band were very well copied in between BC's.  Time spent
on 40m was limited to about 20 minutes.

As earlier said, my semi-serious effort was successfull and I'm going
to do it again if I only find records similar to beat ;-).

Even if someone made it better (on 75m from Finland) and beat me even
before it existed in the official OH-records, at least I had
fun....that's waht you get from even this level of contesting...


The Prizes will be handed if ever met in any convention (in the bar).

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