[3830] NU5A (K5GN, op) WPX CW 99 SOSB 15M HP

David K. McCarty mccarty@hal-pc.org
Sun, 30 May 1999 22:02:45 -0500

Callsign Used : NU5A
         Operator : K5GN (@W5KU)
         Category : SOSB 15M

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   
   15CW     2353        2254       5669      797 
    Final Score = 4518193 points.

Wow what conditions! Passed the old USA 15m record Saturday evening as
the sun set.  Too bad we had to have off-time, 15m was open around the

Thunderstorms screwed up my off-time strategy, ended up at about 35
hours of actual on-the-air time.

Used old software which scored USA as 0 points so the score above (which
has has been corrected) will probably be adjusted when I go through the



      Continent List  NU5A (K5GN) CQ WW WPX CW '99 SOSB 15M

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17   
12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --   
--    ---
  USA calls   =      0     0     0     0   526     0     0     0    
0    526
  VE calls    =      0     0     0     0    41     0     0     0    
0     41
  N.A. calls  =      0     0     0     0    14     0     0     0    
0     14
  S.A. calls  =      0     0     0     0    42     0     0     0    
0     42
  Euro calls  =      0     0     0     0  1325     0     0     0     0  
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0     0    14     0     0     0    
0     14
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0     0    98     0     0     0    
0     98
  JA calls    =      0     0     0     0   265     0     0     0    
0    265
  Ocen calls  =      0     0     0     0    28     0     0     0    
0     28

  Total calls =      0     0     0     0  2353     0     0     0     0  



  ----  ------   -----   -----
    0      96      96      96
    1      81      81     177
    2      92      92     269
    3      82      82     351
    4      92      92     443
    5      64      64     507
    6      67      67     574
    7       6       6     580
    8       0       0     580
    9       0       0     580
   10       0       0     580
   11      30      30     610
   12     114     114     724
   13     110     110     834
   14     117     117     951
   15     103     103    1054
   16      66      66    1120
   17      14      14    1134
   18      16      16    1150
   19      57      57    1207
   20      56      56    1263
   21      68      68    1331
   22      71      71    1402
   23      69      69    1471

    0      50      50    1521
    1      42      42    1563
    2      67      67    1630
    3      50      50    1680
    4      18      18    1698
    5      21      21    1719
    6      26      26    1745
    7       0       0    1745
    8       0       0    1745
    9       0       0    1745
   10      21      21    1766
   11      16      16    1782
   12      93      93    1875
   13      85      85    1960
   14      81      81    2041
   15      59      59    2100
   16      55      55    2155
   17      36      36    2191
   18       3       3    2194
   19      42      42    2236
   20      33      33    2269
   21      36      36    2305
   22      31      31    2336
   23      17      17    2353

  TOTAL  2353

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