[3830] K3WW CQWPX CW 1999 Multi Single

Charles Fulp k3ww at fast.net
Mon May 31 02:50:40 EDT 1999

K3WW CQ WPX CW 1999 Multi Single
   Call: K3WW                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160        0        0   0.0        0
       80       36      124   3.4        3
       40      597     2571   4.3      281
       20     1123     3047   2.7      240
       15     1335     3651   2.7      302
       10       89      224   2.5       29

     Totals   3180     9617   3.0      855  =   8,222,535

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: _____DL2NBU,   DL6RAI,  K3WW

Equipment Description:IC781 IC4KL TH6 30/60/90ft  C3 50ft   402 CD  75 ft
80 m 1/4 wave vertical
Club Affiliation: 2/3 Bavarian Contest Club  1/3 FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB

My first M/S entry with real additional operators in over 10 years.  I was
in charge of making sure everything was working, and
Ben and Peter did almost all of the operating.  A DXpedition to the rare K3
prefix.  It was a fun weekend.

73 Chas, Ben, Peter

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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