Gus VO1MP gussam@newcomm.net
Thu Nov 4 02:41:33 EST 1999

 Gus Samuelson
St. Phillips Newfoundland

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1999

      Call: VO2CQ                    Country:  Canada
      Mode: SSB                      Category: MS-HP


      160      107      204     1.91      9      23
       80      420     1064     2.53     17      75
       40      701     1645     2.35     24      88
       20     2111     5790     2.74     35     131
       15     1200     3485     2.90     34     123
       10     1026     3023     2.95     29     116

     Totals   5565    15211     2.73    148     556  =>  10,708,544

Operator List: VO1MP  VO1MX  & VE3FU

Equipment Description: TS-950  TS-850 AMPS AL-80 & SB-220
ANTENNAS 160M = VEE @ 100 FT  
  80M= DELTA LOOP  @ 100 FT
  40M= DELTA LOOP  @   80 FT
20M = 204BA   2 30 FT
15M & 10M = 3 EL HYGAIN DUO BANDER @ 30 FT.

Operation was field day style , 204 on  temporary 30 ft Aluminum tower
  duo bander on  another temporary 30 ft aluminum tower -  no rotors.
Antennas were fixed NE for most of the contest, most of the time it was too
windy to 
loosen the beam mooring lines. Very old time Multi single ( no cluster or
internet access)
so  S& P & BEGGING qsys for mults was the order of the day.( Tks to all who
obliged with QSY)
 First time MS attempt from this location, with rotors 
and an internet connection could have done much better with Mults.
Arrived Sunday before contest and finished last antenna installation Friday
afternoon three
 hours before test began. Had an assortment of WX rain, snow,  75MPH winds
on several
Hope to be back next year with more aluminum rotors and towers.
Conditions were great.
                              Continent Statistics
                VO2CQ       Multi Single     30 Oct 1999  2359z

                        160    80    40    20    15    10   ALL    percent

North America     97  175  420   465    62    43  1262     22.5
South America      4   11    20     43    15    17   110        2.0
Europe                 4  228  252  1302 1047  927  3760    66.9
Asia                     0     5     6   294     53    29     387     6.9
Africa                   3     6     5    16     25     18      73     1.3
Oceania                0    1     6    11       6      4      28      0.5


                             Signature: Gus Samuelson

                               MAILING ADDRESS:

                               Gus Samuelson  VO2CQ
                               P.O. Box 38 RR # 1 Site 4
                               St. Phillips Nfld. Canada
                               A1L ICI 

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com

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