nt1n at arrl.org nt1n at arrl.org
Mon Nov 1 16:06:56 EST 1999

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - SSB
Call: NT1N
Station: K1ZZ

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     41     12     23
   80:    121     17     62
   40:    130     20     68
   20:    709     39    129
   15:    616     33    111
   10:   2047     35    140
Total:   3664    156    533  =  7,162,155


No sleep for me.  And K1AR still creams me!  Congrats to John.  In case you
haven't heard:  K1AR is good.

Great signals and operating from the big multis and from the Single ops
overseas.  N5TJ at EA8BH was so easy to find vs. some of the others.

Thanks to my host (K1ZZ) and family for the hospitalilty.

Oh yea, 10m was OK.

Set my personal best QSO rate per hour from the U.S. with a 257 hour from
1147-1246z on saturday morning.

73, NT1N

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