[3830] CQ WW SSB 9G5ZW SOAB 10m

Zdeno, OK2ZW Accraczemb at ighmail.com
Wed Nov 3 18:01:17 EST 1999

                 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1999

   Call: 9G5ZW (op. OK2ZW)     Country:  Ghana
   Mode: SSB                   Category: SO SB - unassisted


    10     3854    11489     2.98     38     150

  Totals   3854    11489     2.98     38     150  =>  2,159,932

All reports sent were 59, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: FT-990 + PA
                       14 el. log-preiodic

First I have to thanks to Ralph 9G1RQ for his help with my licence
and equipment.

This was my first contest from Africa. Great condx! Ten was open
full 48 hours! Had some really nice runs with over 200 QSOs/hour.
The "rate meter" (K1EA) showed over 400 couple of time.

Pitty I was so tired. Slept jusr 2 hours before the contest and
was unable to stay on all the contest. I know I lost very much.
Hope it will be much better in CW part.

Congratulations to ZD8Z and ZX5J for outstanding results.
Great job!

73, hope to see you in CW - again SO SB 10m.

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