cwman at juno.com cwman at juno.com
Wed Nov 3 20:39:33 EST 1999

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - SSB
Call: K5KG
Operator(s): K5KG, NA2U
Station: K5KG

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     33      9     19
   80:    114     17     61
   40:    191     27     92
   20:    563     38    131
   15:    513     35    126
   10:    981     36    150
Total:   2395    162    579  =  5,051,397


IC-781 & IC4KL
C4SXL at 75 ft.
C3 fixed south at 60 ft.
6 el. 10m F12 yagi at 45 ft.
80m full wave loop
160 Inv L & Inv V
300 ft. beverage in the woods

Only two operators, only ONE RADIO!!!  Had a great time.  A line noise problem
(like S8 with noise blanker on) developed about 1-2 weeks prior to test.
problem poles have been ID but electric utility not able to get to them before
the test.  A real bummer.  Quiet is much better.  That much noise is really
exhausting.  Hope to have it fixed before CW.

My thanks to George for inviting me over to operate.  A very gracious host.
Quite a switch from my usual low-power efforts.  Haven't used packet in DX
contest in about 7 years.  It has a mesmerizing effect sometimes, drawing one
into just chasing mults.  It was fun, though, for phone.  

73........Fred/NA2U (and George,K5KG)--Members--Frankford Radio Club

(comments are mine.  I'm posting for George)

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