[3830] CW SS Entry from KK7A

Jim - KK7A kk7a at micron.net
Sun Nov 7 16:08:54 EST 1999

Not too much time to get on this year so decided to do a little QRP.
Should have went A class so I could get some runs going.  Oh well, it was
still fun.  Here is the rundown:

	73, Jim


     Contest Date : 07-Nov-99

    Callsign Used : KK7A
         Operator : KK7A

         Category : Single Operator QRP CW

Hours of Operation: 6

             Name : Jim Larson
   City/State/Zip : Boise, Idaho  83704-7153

        Team/Club : Southwest Idaho Contest Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW       37          37         74      16 
   40CW       57          57        114      31 
   20CW       62          62        124       7 
   15CW       44          44         88       6 
   10CW       11          11         22       1 

 Totals      211         211        422      61 

    Final Score = 25,742 points.

Jim Larson - KK7A -  Boise, Idaho   <><
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