N1CC at aol.com N1CC at aol.com
Mon Nov 8 08:15:56 EST 1999

      Call: N1CC                     Section:  SC
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator Low Power
      Sent:  NR A N1CC 56 SC
      BAND     QSO  PTS   MULT   
      160       0       
       80      73      
       40      80      
       20    177      
       15    140          
       10      30      
     Totals   500 1000 76  Claimed Score   76,000
     Hours of operation: 14

    Equipment Description:  Yaseu FT-990 to Indoor Dipole (Attic) W9INN Trap 
and 103BA shortened yagi.

    Club Affiliation: Southeastern Contest Club (SECC)

Missed VI, NE and WY....... Did hear the WY and couldn't break his pileup.   
Worked Jay VY1JA easily on Sunday
and was "sure" that I would get the sweep after that ... unexpected to miss 
the ones I did.  Couldn't get into CT-Vault
so I had to use an older version of CT and keep an old-fashioned "paper" log 
for the guys who chose to use the new
precedences.  Suggestion:  ARRL in future should announce changes to contests 
ONE YEAR in advance to allow
for all changes to be made.  73, Jim

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