[3830] SS CW 99 K4OJ M

K4OJ k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Nov 8 00:10:52 EST 1999

                               1999 ARRL NOVEMBER SWEEPSTAKES CW

     Call used: K4OJ                                          Location: SFL

     Category: Multi Operator             Mode: CW              Power: AETT

     Operators: K4OJ, N4KM, W1CW, W1YL + two Siamese cats a tower climbing
squirrel who watched W1CW working on a new 10 meter yagi, oh yes: + DX
Telnet spots (this software is awesome...stayed connected almost all weekend
with out babysitting)

     Exchanged Information: nr M K4OJ 70 SFL

     Hours of Operation: 23:44 (it was so slow, that this don't read 24:00)

     band      QSOs     points
     160          0          0
      80         25         50
      40        328        656     <----usually in excess of 500, easy :-(
      20        496        992     <----the only band where we could
"almost" run stations
      15        219        438    <-----worked a lot of stuff usually snag
on 40
      10        138        276    <-----a TON of unanswered CQs, ant was
just too high!
     TOTAL     1206       2412   X   78 multipliers  =  188,136

     Club or Team Name: Florida Contest Group

     Comments: Most bizarre SS condx since moving to Florida, on the usual
gravy          band of 40 meters we were not able to run, AT ALL!  While way
down from previous years, this score represents a HARD effort.and NO KP2N to
show for it!  Had hoped to showcase SS from FL for N4KM (x-KS9O) only to
show him unanswered CQ's...all bands were EXTREMELY long, 6 meter EU and AF
spots on packet confirmed this...mebbe K1TO is right, we do better when
condx are BAD!  Hope KP2N is doing alright after the way he was treated!

The toys:

Two stations running NA10 networked via KA2AEV loop box using RJ45 cabling
via comm ports, ''twas flawless - at the end of the contest both computers
said the same thing (this is a first!)...

Stn One:  Omni VI/Titan/P166
Antz: 10: 4L @ 140, 15: 4L @ 100, 20: 4/4 @ 112/32, 40: 402CD@ 135

Stn Two:  Olde TS430S - near death, w/Alpha 374
Antz:  20: 4L @ 70 ft (stole middle of 3 high stack), 40: K3LR low dipole,
80: low dipole

     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the
     ARRL Awards Committee.

     Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________

     Name: Jim White                       Call: K4OJ
           1508 West Patterson St
           Tampa, FL  33604

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