[3830] SS CW K0EU SO LP
RandyMartn at aol.com
RandyMartn at aol.com
Mon Nov 8 11:27:46 EST 1999
Callsign Used : K0EU
Operator : K0EU
Category : SOLP
Default Exchange : #nnn A K0EU 70 CO
Name : Randall K. Martin
Address : 8985 W. Jefferson Ave.
City/State/Zip : Denver CO 80235
Country : United States
Team/Club : Mile Hi DX
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults
80CW 80 80 160 1
40CW 346 345 690 6
20CW 359 357 714 13
15CW 362 362 724 50
10CW 35 35 70 8
Totals 1182 1179 2358 78
Final Score = 183924 points.
178 Second Radio QSO's - Tnx TR Log!
Station Setup:
1st Radio: FT1000D
2nd Radio: Icom 765
2 x KT34XA @120/65 feet
2 x Cushcraft 2-El 40M @127/60 feet
1 TH7DXX fixed East @30 feet
1 TH7DXX rotatable @70 feet
4 el K3LR 80M array
40/80 Dipole @ 70 feet
Conditions weren't quite as good as last year. Could never get any good runs
going on 40 meters (Had several 80+ Q hours on 40 last year!). Listened to
the KP2N pileup off and on for several hours, but it was a lost cause running
low power. WP2Z, where were you??? Thought a sweep would be a piece of cake
after getting all the Canadian mults in the first few hours...oh well!
Thanks Jeff N5TJ for skipping A power this year and giving us mortals a
Randy K0EU
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