Jerry RIchards ab5se at ipa.net
Mon Nov 8 10:24:54 EST 1999

Band    QSO's
160        0
80        90
40       128
20       296
15       130
10       106
TOTAL    750 - 77 sections =3D 117,000
Missed KP2 for the sweep (I think we will be hearing that often!)
Couldn't get motivated for some reason...I didn't feel that competitive =
urge that I normally feel but I certainly had FUN!
Conditions were very strange.  The bands sounded great but I couldn't =
get a good run going.  I think my best hour was 72 Q's.
I know some do not share my point of view but I sincerely appreciate the =
QRPers.  QRP QSO's make up over 15% of my Q total.  Thanks VERY MUCH! =20
Look forward to doing it again in two weeks.
73,  AB5SE
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