[3830] W7GG 1999 SSCW SO/HP/UN SCORE

Bob Wruble ai7b at teleport.com
Mon Nov 8 13:50:39 EST 1999


    Callsign Used : W7GG
        Opr Class : SO/HP/UN =20
        Exchange  : ## B W7GG 53 OR
        Operators : BOB, W&GG
   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults  =20
   80CW      106         106        212       0=20
   40CW      308         307        614       8=20
   20CW      293         290        580      17=20
   15CW      232         230        460       6=20
   10CW      226         226        452      47=20
 Totals     1165        1159       2318      78=20

 Final Score =3D 180,804 points.
 Conditions good Saturday but very slow on Sunday.  Somehow missed
 NWT for the sweep.

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