[3830] SS CW NH7A SO HP

Mike Sato chucky at aloha.net
Tue Nov 9 09:17:13 EST 1999

 Callsign Used : NH7A
         Operator : KH6TO

         Category : Single Operator High Power

Op Time:  22 hours (over slept)

   BAND  QSOs   Points   Mults

   40CW  106    212       1
   20CW  253    506       7
   15CW  348    696       6
   10CW  296    592      62

 Totals  1003   2006      76

    Final Score = 152456 points.

Second sweepstakes...starting to get the hang of this contest...what did I
learn?  You just gotta keep at it and be patient...During the slow periods
on Sunday, wished I had a TV to watch football, although my Packers lost...
= (

Mike KH6TO

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