[3830] ARRL SS CW N7CW/6 SO Low Power

n7cw at arrl.net n7cw at arrl.net
Tue Nov 9 23:21:42 EST 1999

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - CW
Call: N7CW/6
Operator(s): N7CW
Station: N7CW

Class: SO Low Power
Operating Time (hrs): 24

Section: SDG

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:     54
   40:     91
   20:    294
   15:    364
   10:     42
Total:    845 x     77  =  130,130


I decided to add the /6 to N7CW for a couple of reasons:
1) I was very disappointed by the number of people who copied my call as N6CW
in the CQWW test last year (having a call similar to a world-famous contestor
and DXer, and living in the same city, section, zone has some disadvantages)
and I thought maybe the /6 would emphasize the 7.
2) I am always surprised by the number of repeat requests for the section
and I
thought the /6 would make people aware that a California section was to
Wrong on both counts! If I had a dollar for everyone who came back to N6CW/6,
I'd be upgrading some antennas.  And the number of repeat requests for SDG was
as high as ever.  Is SDG that hard to copy?
Next year, its back to N7CW.  The time I save by not sending /6 will allow me
to push F1 a few more times......
73, Bud

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