[3830] KH7R (KH6ND op) '99 CW SS

kh6nd at lava.net kh6nd at lava.net
Tue Nov 9 20:00:41 EST 1999

Call: KH7R (KH6ND op)          Section:  PAC
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator


      160        0        0        -
       80        5       10        -
       40      264      528        -
       20      186      372        -
       15      438      876        -
       10      325      650        -

     Totals   1218     2436       78

               Score:  190,008

230 QSO's at 2 hours, 509 QSO's at 5 hours, then the bands slowly turned
to mush.

Only 8 QSO's on 10 meters the second day...... seems to me I saw this
same movie last year.

Why does this always have to happen on the CW weekend? 

Maybe we could alternate first and third weekends between CW and SSB
every other year.

Let the flames begin.


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