[3830] N5RZ SO HP SS CW

Ralph Bowen rbowen at iglobal.net
Thu Nov 11 03:25:02 EST 1999

                 ARRL SWEEPSTATKES CW - 1999

    Callsign Used : N5RZ
         Operator : N5RZ

         Category : Single Operator High Power

 Default Exchange : # B N5RZ 69 WTex

             Name : RALPH BOWEN
          Address : P O BOX 10465
   City/State/Zip : MIDLAND, TX 79702
          Country : United States

   BAND     Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80CW         124        248       3
   40CW         241        482       3
   20CW         330        660       4
   15CW         631       1262      68
   10CW           3          6       0

 Totals        1329       2658      78 missed MAR

Station #1: Yaesu FT1000D & Ameritron AL1200, KT34XA at 75' fixed NW &
TH6DXX @ 35' fixed NE with WX0B Stackmatch,  80M 1/4 sloper

Station #2: Yaesu FT920 & Drake L4B, Rotary TH6DXX @ 65', Cushcraft D4
dipoles (40M) @ 105' fixed NE/SW & @ 60' fixed NW/SE, power divided.

Made last minute decision to start on 15M because it "sounded" better.
First 4 hours were 96-101-101-99 all on 21027.8, so I think I made the
right decision.  Went to 20M at 0130Z with 441 in the log, best start

Then the work started.  Struggled on 20M until 0250Z, then on to the low
bands.  Rather mediocre rate & took my first break at 0829Z with 826 in
the log, about 40 qso's behind last year.

The good news this weekend was that 20M opened at sunrise, and that 15M
was good all day Sunday.  That bad news was that CQWW phone condx were
great the prior weekend, 6M & 10M were open to EU & DX land, and the WX
was beautiful across the country.  This resulted in a lot of work to
maintain rate on Sunday.

Ended up about 20 QSO's behind last year's raw score.

Thanks to all for the QSO's, especially KP2N, who called me shortly
after he abandoned his crazed pileup on 15M.

73,  Gator  N5RZ

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