[3830] FM5BH Score final CQWW DX SSB 99

fm5bh fm5bh
Thu Nov 11 13:06:07 EST 1999

                        1999 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST

     Call used: FM5BH                                          Location: 08

     Category: Multi-Single Xmtr          Mode: PHONE           Power: 1500

     Callsign of Operator: FM5BH

     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     Laurent FM5BH; Léonce FM5DN; Yves FM5DS; Gilbert FM5FJ; Denis FM5GU.

     Exchanged Information: FM5BH RST 08

     Hours of Operation: 47:56

     band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys
     160       48          99        6       19
      80      440        920       14       51
      40      941      2151       25       89
      20     1448     3740       36      134
      15     1804     4909       36      125
      10     2033     5421       33      111
TOTAL   6714    17240      150      529         SCORE: 11,705,960

     Club or Team Name: MADININA CONTEST CLUB
     Equipments :

     2 X TS930 S + BP 600 Dunestar filters.
     Alpha ETO 91 B          1500W
     Amp supply LK550 ZC 1500W
     14 éléments C31XR @ 70 feet
      2 éléments   402cd @ 80 feet
      4 éléments    A4S   @ 45 feet
      Inv v 80 m
      Inv l 160m

     Not much of a score but we beat last year's effort
     anyway. We'll be back for more.
     Don't forget it's just an hobby!

     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the
     CQ Awards Committee.


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