[3830] S55T - WAE RTTY Score

Robert Bajuk s57aw at bit.si
Sun Nov 14 22:35:41 EST 1999


CALL   : S55T
CLASS: Multi-Op. Single Transmitter
Time on: 14 hours

       QSOs  QTCs Multipliers
80m:    76     0   116
40m:    24    20    39
20m:    47    70    44
15m:  122   160   62
10m:    88   206   44
Total: 357 + 456 * 305 = 247,965

Station Description: TS-850s, KW
Software: Writelog 10.10 FSK/Soundcard
80/40m: Dipole
     20m: GP
15/10m: 6 el Yagi

Operators: S57AW, S50Q

Playing around for abt 14 hours on RTTY and abt 100 QSOs in JA contest on
SSB. Some nice openings on 10m, generally not  too good propagation on the
other bands.

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter
within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules
and regulations of the contest.
73's de Robert, S57AW


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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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