Tom Osborne w7why at harborside.com
Mon Nov 15 05:40:25 EST 1999


Call used: W7WHY
Location:  OR

Entry Class: Single Op, High Power, All Band

Band    QSOs   Pts  QTCs Mults
80         0     0     0     0 
40         0     0     0     0
20        51    50    20    17
15         0     0     0     0
10         4     4     0     4
-----   ----  ----  ----  ----
Total     55    54    20    21


Claimed Score: 3108

Software: RTTY by WF1B  v4.4F 

Equipment:  FT-840, FL-2100B, MFJ-784B

Power Output: 250

Club Participation: Southern Oregon DX Association

Soapbox:  Boy conditions were weird here to say the least.  I
worked mostly 6's and 7's on 20 meters.  Openings to Europe were
watery and weak except for DJ7AA--I heard him all day long
Strange thing happened Saturday night, I had the antenna pointed
north with the auto-CQ'r running.  Wasn't hearing any replies but
I looked at the screen and saw "W7WHY DE UA0CA."  I couldn't hear
him but I was printing him.  I heard 1 station on 40, none on
80.  I thought with the flux into the 200's it was going to be a
hot weekend.  NOT!!!!  73

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