[3830] UP5P WAEDC RTTY 99 Score

Roman Loparev un5pr at mail.ru
Tue Nov 16 12:12:09 EST 1999

WAEDC RTTY Contest - 1999

Call used: UP5P (Op. UN5PR)
Location:  Kazakhstan, Central Asia

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band

Band    QSOs   Pts  QTCs Mults
80        98    98    10    31 * 4 = 124
40       127   127    80    42 * 3 = 126
20       160   160   140    56 * 2 = 112
15       240   240   240    61 * 2 = 122
10       231   231   190    56 * 2 = 112
-----   ----  ----  ----  ---------------
Total    856   856   660         596


Claimed Score: (856+660)*596 = 903536 points

Rest periods:
13.11   14.30z-17.45z
14.11   16.50z-19.45z

Power Output: 500

Club Participation:

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
established for amateur radio in my country. My report is correct
and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the
decisions of the Awards Committee."

Date ___/___/___  Signature ____________________________Call __________

e-mail: un5pr at mail.ru

Romeo Y. Loparev
P.O.Box 73
Temirtau  472300
Rep. of Kazakhstan

Propagation was not so good to North. But EU was open good on high bands and
also good activity from EU on low bands. First night strong wind broke my
10el log periodic and 3el quad for 20m and second day I work without normal
antenna on 20m and many lost on this band. Thanks to GU0AZT for new one on
80m, V47GU for new one on 20 and 10m, SV5/IK2WZD and PJ2MI for new on 10m.
See you in ARRL Roundup.

73!   Romeo  UN5PR / UP5P
un5pr at mail.ru

RTTY forever

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