Robert Bajuk robert.bajuk at kiss.uni-lj.si
Mon Nov 22 09:30:15 EST 1999


Ljubljana, November 22th, 1999

It's been a while since our last Communiqe. The organization Committee is
going full-steam ahead and we believe that there will be much more contacts
between all being intereseted in WRTC2000 in the coming months

In this message, we would like to give you some information on the current
status of our work.

National teams are more or less selected. We only wait to receive some last
minute applications to close the roster. We urge all who were not selected
into national teams and have not submitted their wild-card applications yet,
to do so until 31st December 1999.

We have already received complete team applications from DL, one team from
EA and I, UR, G, YU, OH, LY, HA, 9A and OM. Others have confirmed to come.
We will announce the national teams as soon as the list is complete.

American clubs have also announced their representatives. We also believe
and expect that until end of November 1999, all American team-leaders will
announce their team-mates.

During the last meeting, the Organizational Committee has confirmed the RAC
application, which has selected two Canadian teams. We accept their
explanation on the status of applicants. As you may already know the teams
are: VE3EJ/VE7ZO and VE7SZ/VA7RR.

Our schedule for the the following months is:
- selection of national teams until end of November,
 - all wild-card applications received until end of 1999,
- selection of referees until end of February 1999.

The Organization Committee has also taken an important decision. All teams
are allowed to select addtitional team members in case of some
unpredicatable cirumstances (ilness, inabilitty to attend....). However, the
Organizer is not in a position to cover lodging and any other expense for
such team-members.

For all of you wishing to be at  WRTC2000 (competitors, referees,
visitors...), we ask you to send your lodging application as requested in
Communiqe No.4 (hotel application form). Based on the list of competitors
and referees, the Organizing Commite will fix the list of paticipants who
will reside at Bled at the expense of the Organizer.  Regardless of above,
all wishing to be there must apply, so we can facilitate arrangements
already negotiated with hotel companies in Bled.

Considering very heavy interest of individuals, not being competitors or
referees, the Organization Committee has decided to announce a special post
for "official observers". They will be operators on stations in S5, 9A, OE,
I and some other neighbouring countries. Their task will be to bring the
diskettes with contest data (logs) to Bled the night after the contest. We
will use their logs to process competitors' logs. Such stations will also be
regular entrants to IARU contest.

We have already received quite a number of requests for the organization of
club or national dedicated social events. For such events two time slots are
reserved. One on Thursday, 6th of July 1999 and second on Sunday 9th of July
1999. Please apply soonest, so we can schedule the events accordingly.

Considering the importance of the event, the Organization Committee is try
ing to acquire largest possible number of sponsors an donators. In the U.S.
our interests are being represented by well-known contester Carl Cook -
AI6V/P40V. Any contribution is more than welcome. U.S. and JA
sponsors/donators please contact Carl at AI6V at AOL.COM. All others please
contact us directly at SCC at BIT.SI.

The contest rules are pretty much set already and will be announced shortly.
However, we would like to call on all competitors to bring in their own
radios and PCs. The Organizing Committee will supply all needed equipment,
however we can not suit every team's special requirements. All competitors
are also requested to supply a list of equipment they are bringing into

For any questions you might have, please contact SCC at bit.si and chek our web
page http://wrtc2000.bit.si frequently. All information about Slovenia are
available through the mentioned WWW site.

We all look forward to see you here in July 2000.


73, Tine Brajnik, S50A
President, Organization Committee
WRTC2000 - Organization Committee
Sent by Robert, S57AW - November 25th, 07:20 GMT

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