[3830] 1999 SSB Sweepstakes-KX9X SO/QRP (long)
Sean Kutzko
kx9x at uiuc.edu
Mon Nov 22 06:19:08 EST 1999
Hi, Folks-
Here's the rundown:
Call: KX9X Section: IL
Mode: SSB Category: Single Operator
160 0 0 -
80 55 110 -
40 226 452 -
20 168 336 -
15 95 190 -
10 98 196 -
Totals 642 1284 79
Score: 101,436
Power Output: ___5_ watts Hours of operation: 24___
Equipment Description:
My trusty ol' Icom 745 (power adjusted to 5w), Mosely 3-el
Tribander @ 40 feet, 105-foot long wire in dipole configuration
fed with ladder line @ 40 feet (for 40m and 80m)
Club Affiliation: Society of Midwest Contesters
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Sean Kutzko KX9X
702 E. Elm Street
Urbana, IL 61802
The Story:
I entered this one with the main goal of defending my division
QRP title, but alos breaking 100,000 points. Got off to a start
on 10m right away, but I couldn't get anything going on a run
freq, so S & P'ed my way around. Found VY1JA and got him in 2
calls, only 20 minutes into the contest! How anti-climactic!
Kept my S & P'ing up... the high bands were in great shape
overall. I had every section outside the continental USA except
Quebec just 2 hours into the contest. I tried running on the
high bands, but I've got a BAD noise problem here; S-5 noise on
10-20m. I ended up having t ogo to 40m where I S & 'ed all over
the place. After I'd been on 80 for a while, I gave up in
disgst; I started my off-time at 0430Z.
Woke up and started at it again on 40m at 1030Z sharp. Except
for the calls of nature, I sat in that chair the whole time. In
the morning, my last 3 sections needed were ND, WY, and PQ. The
first two came on 15m by 9AM; I snagged PQ on 10m at 9:45,
completing my sweep in just 18 hours 45 minutes; my earliest
At that point, I just tried to find a spot to run. I actually
held 14.322 for a while, as well as 7.155 and 7.256; they were
productive times. I saw my "last 10" rate meter hit 70...not
for QRP.
Around 2300, it dawned on me I needed about 80 more QSO's to
break 100k. I tried going to the high bands, but the noise here
made them impossible to use. Couldn't get anything going on 40
or 80, so I tried to S & P. However, I'd worked everybody I
could hear. You ever try to call CQ during a phone contest on
40m with broadcast QRM while running 5 watts? I don't recommend
it. My rate dropped to 14/hour; I honestly though I wasn't
t omake 100k. So, I went back to the high bands and tried to
find new people to work. I got some 6-landers, and worked
KH8/N5OLS on 15m; certainly good for QRP.
Hats off to K5OT, who let me work N8GE on his freq for a QSO.
knew I was close to 100k. That was a class act.
After much swearing, I finally broke 100k with about 30 minutes
left in the contest. I worked maybe 5 or 6 more guys, but the
tension on honestly not knowing if I'd make it drained all my
Boy, I need better low-band antennas!
Thanks for the QSO's folks. After a well-deserved shot of
liquor, I'm hitting the showers and going to bed.
Sean Kutzko, Amateur Radio: KX9X
Urbana, IL USA Grid EN50vc
QTH Rental Page--http://hobbes.ncsa.uiuc.edu/sean/qthlist.html
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Problems: KA9FOX at QTH.com (Scott KA9FOX)
Sean Kutzko, Amateur Radio: KX9X
Urbana, IL USA Grid EN50vc
QTH Rental Page--http://hobbes.ncsa.uiuc.edu/sean/qthlist.html
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
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