N1CC at aol.com N1CC at aol.com
Mon Nov 22 08:46:29 EST 1999

 N1CC       53,136    343   76   8   SC

                       ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1999
      Call: N1CC                     Section:  SC
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator
      160        0        0        -
       80       69      138        -
       40       56      112        -
       20       81      162        -
       15       97      194        -
       10       40       80        -
     Totals    343      686       76     Score:  52,136

Power Output: 100 watts     Hours of operation: 8 
Equipment Description: FT-990 100W to indoor trap dipole in attic and 103BA 
in attic
Club Affiliation: Southeast Contest Club SECC

Soapbox:  Missed NL, SB and NV.  The limitation of an indoor antenna farm, 
low power and lousy hours available to operate ... effectively limits what 
you can do.  Was delighted to work VY1JA on first call and then VE8JR five 
minutes later.  Able to make short (30 Min) Runs on 20, 15 and 10 ... each 
time 60+ in that half hour so Conditions were pretty darn good....if I just 
could have spent more time on the air or been "permitted" to choose better 
times of operation!

73, Jim

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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