[3830] ARRL SS SSB K5OE SO Low Power

k5oe at arrl.net k5oe at arrl.net
Mon Nov 22 10:36:40 EST 1999

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: K5OE

Class: SO Low Power
Operating Time (hrs): 23

Section: STX

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:     50
   40:     86
   20:    102
   15:    105
   10:    159
Total:    505 x     79  =  79,790


I knew I was in trouble when I missed WTX on the low bands on Saturday
Finally on Sunday afternoon I heard N5RZ on 10 meters.  Whew!  I knew sooner
later I could break the pile-up for VY1JA and VE9MY, but missing WTX scared

The last 6 hours were marred by equipment problems, blown fuses, dinner, the
national news, and setting off the alarm system everytime I transmitted on
80 m
(I gave up and went back to 40).  I already had the sweep, but I just wanted
break 500 for the 1st time :-))

FT-890, 100 W (except last 6 hours was 25 W)
dipoles on 10/15/20 and elevated vertical or inv-vee on 40/80
nothing heard on 160

73, Jerry

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