[3830] ARRL SS SSB N6ED SO High Power

N6ED at geocities.com N6ED at geocities.com
Tue Nov 23 02:31:50 EST 1999

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: N6ED

Class: SO High Power
Operating Time (hrs): 24

Section: LAX

 Band     QSOs
   80:    144
   40:    150
   20:    462
   15:    322
   10:    673
Total:   1751 x     79  =  276,658


It always amazes me how fast a nice run frequency turns into crud at the
beginning of SS.  Never fails!

Was a good SS this year with a good amount of participation and favorable
propagation.  Yeah 10 meters  WOO HOO!!!!

I was 170 Q's behind last year at my nightime off period from last year and I
knew I had my work cut out for me the second day!  I hammered away all day and
watched myself gain ground only to give some back later.  It was a real
challenge for me and seemed to keep me going through the dulldrums of SS
Sunday.  I even found myself entertained with the football games all day which
helped as well.  Through it all, I ended up 10 Q's shy of last year which I was
pretty darn happy about.  Maybe one less bathroom break would have made the
difference but what the heck, it just seemed like the trip there and back was
worth it!!

One of these days, I am gonna figure out K6LL's formula.  As of yet, I am still
in search of the right stuff.  Congrats to Dave and the 2000 club!

73 de Craig, N6ED (trapped in the world of a tribander and dipoles)

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