[3830] ARRL SS SSB W7ZRC SO High Power

w7zrc at micron.net w7zrc at micron.net
Thu Nov 25 09:14:06 EST 1999

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: W7ZRC
Operator(s): W7ZRC
Station: W7ZRC

Class: SO High Power
Operating Time (hrs): 12

Section: ID

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:      0
   40:      8
   20:    387
   15:     92
   10:    793
Total:   1280 x     79  =  202,240


This was a lot more fun than CW SS altho CW is my preferred mode. Maybe it was
the high power and my starting attitude that I was just going to have fun for a
few hours. I probably could have worked the whole contest on just 10 and 20 and
had the same score. Only one or two jammers in this mode while on CW I had
maybe four - go figure? Thanks to a couple of stations who moved when I asked
nicely (one was Fred - ZO). Obviously this was one of the best phone tests I
have ever worked.  Would it have been as good with a 'go get em' attitude and a
full 24 hours? I doubt it. Maybe this is the way I am going to have to approach
SS in the future. Special thanks to those who put on the rare sections! 73, Rod

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