[3830] CQWW CW N4MO SOSB/15 LP

n4mo at juno.com n4mo at juno.com
Sun Nov 28 22:52:44 EST 1999

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: N4MO
Operator(s): N4MO
Station: N4MO

Class: SOSB/15 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 32

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
   15:   1124     35    120
Total:   1124     35    120  =  508,400


Conditions in a word were exceptional. Most ops went to 10 early on 
Saturday by the way things looked from my vantage point. A VE1 gave me
his freq (he had to go places) on 21003 at 1300Z and I stayed put until 
2000Z. Never had a run like that on low pwr at any time at any location
domestic or foreign in my 50+ years in the hobby. It was better than a
great contest, as I said it was exceptional. Hope someone found a way
to bottle the condx of Saturday for future tests.

73,  Ron

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