[3830] ZS6EZ WW CW 10 HP

Chris R. Burger Chris.Burger at Nanoteq.com
Mon Nov 29 12:07:11 EST 1999

    Callsign Used : ZS6EZ
        Operators : Chris R. Burger ZS6EZ

         Category : Single Band 10 High Power

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   10CW     4202        4198      12534       139        39

    Final Score = 2 231 052 points.

 Soapbox Comments
 10 m conditions made up for the disastrous antenna project and power
 line noise.  I had to snatch some sleep in the middle, but whenever I
 was awake, the band was open to somewhere.

 Station Description
 Stacked pair of 10M4 at 18 and 25 m (60 and 80 feet) and C3 tribander.  
 FT1000MP with amp.

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