[3830] CQWW CW K0RF Multi-Multi HP

k6rf at aol.com k6rf at aol.com
Mon Nov 29 11:32:32 EST 1999

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: K0RF
Operator(s): K0AV, K0EU, K0RF, N0HF, N4VI, W1XE,W0UA, WB0GAZ
Station: K0RF

Class: Multi-Multi HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     73     18     26
   80:    367     28     72
   40:   1103     36    127
   20:    925    126    126
   15:   1326     39    140
   10:   1468     39    137
Total:   5262    199    628  =  11,993,214


Had good condx on high bands, but the poorest condx on 80 and 160 that we have
seen. No Europe on 160.  Only a handful of Eu on 80, mostly beaming about 100
degrees.  Forty was fair with some Eu runs, but not as good as usual.  @0
meters was ok but not much response to CQs.  Were all stations on 10 and 15
while we had 20M propagation?

W0UA did a fine job on 10M 
K0EU had a great 15m effort in spite of wind generated line noise to JA the
first night
20M was a shared band with N4VI, N0HF, K0RF, Wb)GAZ and W1XE
40M was piloted by K0AV to another great finish
80 was W1XE and K0RF
160 was mainly N0HF, K0RF

WB0GAZ worked the new mult station.  What patience!  N0HF also contributed
here.  We still have some learning to do.


160  765  Alpha 87  four slopers  5 beverages
80   765  Alpha 87  3 el yagi
40   FT 990  Alpha 76  3 el and four square
20   765  Alpha 91B  5/5  6/6
15   765  3-1000 final  6/6/6
10   FT 1000MP  Alpha 89  7/7

Mult station  765  Alpha 87  TA 34 tribander

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